Paradise Island - Part 1

Paradise Island is situated in the tropics, set in a deep lagoon, surrounded by treachtorous reef which means no ships or boats can land. The Airport is the only means of access.

There is no cash on the Island. All citizens have a micro chip inserted under the skin, in the wrist just above the right hand. When you wish to purchase anything your wrist is scanned at the checkout.

This is also used to track the citizens, so the central computer knows who enters what premises and when. Crimes of theft therefore are unheard of and most people don't bother locking any doors.

All their payments are handled by the computer, which also controls their bank account.

Holiday makers, on arrival at the Islands Airport register their credit cards, travellers cheques or cash they have brought with them and are issued with a micro chip which is worn around their necks. The computer then charges their purchases to the appropriate form of payment.

There is no income tax, property tax or inheritance tax, only a small sales tax, which generates enough income to run the government.

Beaches surround the Island and there are many hotels, apartments, villa, bars and restaurants.

It welcomes all visitors and offers citizenship to anyone over 14 - at a price!

Teenagers, once they have reached 14, can opt to become 'Full Citizens', they can delay this until the age of 21, although most don't. Also anyone coming to work on the Island for a period of more than three weeks has to take out citizenship.

Advantages of becoming citizens are that citizen of any age over 14 have full adult rights, they can drive, vote in elections, drink alcohol etc. Now you are begining to see the attraction of young visitors (ie under 18) becoming citizens.

As mentioned earlier there is a price to pay - anyone wishing to become a citizen has to go through a public ceremony held at noon every day (and shown live on local television).

First all clothes are removed, then the clippers come out and ALL hair is shaved off, head, face, eyebrows, body, pubic area. The hair comes off, first with the clippers then the candidaites are lathed up and shaved smooth.

Oh yes I forgot to mention that the clever scientists who invented the micro chips also foud a frequency instructs the brain to prevent any hair regrowing, transmitters around the Island keep the signal active. When people leave the Island, hair growth starts again normally.

Now comes the painfull bit, all candidates are circumcised, males the foreskin of the penis and females the foreskin of the clitoris. Those who have been circumcised before have it done again, just a bit tighter. A special laser scapel is used to maximise pain and seal the wound instantly. Then the micro chip is inserted in their wrist.

Even with this price to pay the islands was becoming increasing popular with the 14 - 18's as a holiday destination. (Visitors under 21 are not allowed to drink alcohol, drive a car, gamble in the Casino etc - Of course the card around their neck indentifies their age!)

Coming next - follow the story of a party of teenagers, away from home for the first time.