Partial Circumcision Example 3

All these pictures belong to the same male. This circumcision has left much foreskin and if a picture of a fully flaccid model were available, it might be considered a minimal circumcision. (models rarely want their penis photographed when it is at its smallest). Note the amount of skin when the penis is partially erect.

Dirk 1

Dirk 2

Dirk 3

Note the colour contrast between inner foreskin and shaft skin. When the foreskin stays retracted very little time during the day, the inner foreskin and glans retain their uncircumcised attributes which results in a darker pink colour for the inner foreskin. Those males whose remaining foreskin stays retracted at times (such as in bed at night) will have an inner foreskin that is a lighter pink and contrasts less with the shaft skin.

Dirk 4

Again, the frenulum was fully preserved and almost all (if not all) of the inner foreskin was preserved.

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